wahai pembenci MFB... RUPANYA INFORMASI INI Yang dipake senjata melemahkan MFB ITU - OKE - ANA JAWAB - COBA CERMATI LAGI... jangan hanya suudZon tingkat tinggi dan membenci tanpa alasan, apalagi mengajak orang orang dan MENYESATKANNYA coba perhatikan lagi :
hasil begadang malam ini :) insha Alloh berlanjut
||> jangan menganalisa sepihak!
disana ada tulisan Country: USA dan lengkap dengan benderanya, coba cermati lagi itu adalah NAMA S...ERVER dimana Server MFB diletakan, tentu bisa dimana saja... tergantung dari mana team mfb beli? bisa di cimahi, bisa di tasik... bisa juga diamerika. dan ... Amerika itu satu satunya negara yg memiliki Kapasitas Server bagus, makanya MFB beli. (gapapa beli produk yahudi UNTUK MENGHANCURKAN yahudi ITU!!!) seperti para mujahid hammas beli rudal dari yahudi untuk membantai kafir harbi biadab itu... kalo indonesia Cerdas dan bisa buat rudal mungkin mereka beli dari indo bradr...
||>>> Coba Lihat sisi kanan, disana ada DNS ADMIN... dan disana tertulis usman@gitv.pk ----- itu menunjukan identitas administrator || coba sekali lagi LIHAT dengan mata dan hati anda? disana ada PK, pk merupakan code PAKISTAN seperti id untuk INDONESIA....
||>> masih memfitnah MFB punya yahudi?
||> bagaimana dengan milat fb [single L ] ?
justru situs yg belakangan dirubah ada embel embel PK inilah yg aneh. silahkan cek, gak ada identitas pk. artinya millat [double L yg asli] sedangkan milat [single L] adalah propaganda zionist untuk mengelabui.
ana juga puyeung sih, tapi gini saudaraku. ambil simple aja c...eritanya. katanya dipakistan itu ada yg bikin fb muslim, namanya mfb. nah si fb marah, karena pelanggan setianya pada nge-delete fb-nya lantaran event 20 mei.
konon facebuker mengalami penyusutan hinga 250.000 orang dari semua member fb yg jumlahnya 460 jeti itu.
LEBIH LEBIH sekarang ada muslim facebuk itu sebagai jawaban....
si mark zungkirbuncit itu semakin kelimpungan...
karena member mfb dalam 2 minggu saja sudah lebih dari 300.000 padahal dulu fb hanya beranggotakan 3000 dalam 4minggu.
karena merasa mfb berbahaya, dia melakukan cara yg gak sportif dan memalukan..
dia menyerang (nge-hack mfb) hingga kita jadi saksi MFB LEMOT dan fitur fiturnya kadang kadang hilang, kadang kadang blank... bukti lain nya Yahoo juga ikut ikutan mendukung mark fb - yahoo sengaja ngebikin sulit pendaftar yg mau gabung ke mfb,
BAHKAN LICIKNYA SI YAHUDSSSSS ITU KELEWATAN hingga dia memblokir semua email masuk dari mfb ke yahoo... walhasil email konfirmasi dari mfb gak masuk dan account mfb pun gak bisa di konfirmasi....
NAH KABAR KABARI DARI ADMIN, serangan hacker itu sudah bisa ditahan dan dihentikan...
yah.... sepertinya semua pada tahu si yahud itu licik picik bin munafik. setelah gagal meruntuhkan situs mfb dengan persekongkolannya dengan yahoo... sekarang DIA MENEBAR FITNAH...
entah dari mana asalnya copi-paste fitnah itu begitu luas menyebar, bahkan ada yg kirim email dari malaysia menanyakan fitnah itu...
masih gak puas, si yahud itu buat mfb palsu yg bertajuk asli pakistan dengan embel embel JOIN.PK -- pk disini katanya pakistan, dia berteriak "muslim facebuk itu JOIN.PK yg gak laku, mfb double L itu punya USa........."
FITNAH itu lebih berbahaya. Kenapa gak Berprasangka Baik AJA?
A response from MFB team
Everyone knows MFB is created and owned by Young PAKISTANI MUSLIMS.
However Millat was accused by a misguided (or as some Millat members called him “traitor”) blogger of being not been owned by Muslims but been a “conspiracy by American Jews”. Funny thing is the man is using the Zionist owned FB and telling others NOT to use MFB ….. can you see the hypocrisy????.
And guess why …………. because the “genius” discovered that Millat had some servers in the USA (which by the way are NOT AVAILABLE at those terms ANYWHERE else in the world).
Now this is really unbelievable that just because of that it was rumoured that MFB was made by Americans or Jews ….. Yes ….. Me too was amazed to hear the “basis” …… How can a person’s intelligence go so low?
Just like any country or for that matter a muslim country buy the weapons or technology from USA or any country for its defence which than become its property, Millat got the things it needed from all over the world. What is wrong with that when they have all the SECURITY IN PLACE ?
Buying or hiring something from any country doesn’t means it will not be used for the defence of the buyer.
InshAllah one day Millat will develop our own SUPERCOMPUTERS but till than we need to avail the technology.
Such infrastructure is NOT available elsewhere on such terms.
It is TOTALLY SECURE and NOT under the control of the US Govt.
Even the Prophet (Saww) used to set free the prisoners who would teach Muslims
Seeking of knowledge and thereby technology is obligatory for all Muslims
All and any resources should and can be used to achieve the goals through right means
It seems the person who started the rumour was either on a mission by those wanting the MFB to stop or didn’t knew much about how the IT industry works and what’s involved in creating a Muslim FB rival.
Let me ask the proponents of this fiasco …….. all these latest gadgets from IPods to Cars to Flat screen Tv’s etc ………. where are they made or their technology originated from? ……. The main principle is that nothing is good or bad in itself …. it’s the use that made it good or bad ……just like a Gun can be used for self-defence or to kill someone.
Zionists, after failing in all their other attacks have now retorted to dividing us by spreading the Rumours that MFB (God Forbid) is related to CIA or Jews…..
If it was so why would CIA and Jews be attacking us regularly????
Why would YAHOO block any email containing our website address? (Check yourself)
Why are there be Global appeals by Islamophobic Fascists to launch attacks on MFB?
The Zionists are helping each other and trying to make fool of some of our brotheren.
Attacks on MFB Proof:
http://www.youtube.com/wat ch?v=QCRrR390mgE&feature=r elated
We’ve been really hurt by this propoganda as unfortunately some of our Muslim brotheren from Indonesia got involved in it. May Allah give them Hidaya. Our arms are open for them. But I’d like to thank the Indonesian brotheren overall as standing behind their OWN Millat and refuting the FALSE PROPOGANDA.
We knew some Islamophobic Zionists can go this low but never expected our brotheren would be used in this way. It really hurts as we’ve been fighting for the Honour of the Prophet (SAWW) without even proper sleep and this is what we were accused of?
The global media have reported Millat Facebook and overall hailed it as a brave and unique step by MUSLIMS which poses a serious threat to FB ……..and is termed a REAL alternate ………….
Some of the major Media outlets to have covered Millat Facebook reporting that it is created by Pakistani Muslims to Rival Mark’s blasphemous FB are:
Al-Jazeera Network, Qatar
AFP (one of the world’s largest news agencies), France
http://www.rnw.nl/english/ article/pakistan-launches- facebook-faithful
ABNA (News Agency).
http://abna.ir/data.asp?la ng=3&id=189927′]http://abna.ir/data.asp?la ng=3&id=189927
The Telegraph, UK
http://www.telegraph.co.uk /technology/facebook/77788 10/Facebook-rival-launched -in-Pakistan-after-blasphe mous-Prophet-images-publis hed.html
Daily Mail, UK
http://www.dailymail.co.uk /news/worldnews/article-12 82495/Facebook-Muslims-lau nched-Pakistan.html
Malaysia Today
http://www.freemalaysiatod ay.com/fmt-english/world/w orld-news/6095-pakistanis- create-rival-muslim-facebo ok’]http://www.freemalaysiatod ay.com/fmt-english/world/w orld-news/6095-pakistanis- create-rival-muslim-facebo ok
http://www.youtube.com/wat ch?v=mwkz3zjiIJU&NR=1′]http://www.youtube.com/wat ch?v=mwkz3zjiIJU&NR=1
Daily Dawn, Pakistan
http://www.dawn.com/wps/wc m/connect/dawn-content-lib rary/dawn/news/sci-tech/16 -pakistanis-create-rival-m uslim-facebook-02-sa
Hindustan Times
http://www.hindustantimes. com/Halal-clone-Facebook-s -new-rival/H1-Article1-554 605.aspx
This is the time for all the decent people, specially Muslims to unite and fight off such subversion propoganda tactics. Remember, United we WILL WIN (InshAllah). let’s show the world ………. Yes, We CAN.
http://omerzaheermeer.word press.com/
ana juga puyeung sih, tapi gini saudaraku. ambil simple aja c...eritanya. katanya dipakistan itu ada yg bikin fb muslim, namanya mfb. nah si fb marah, karena pelanggan setianya pada nge-delete fb-nya lantaran event 20 mei.
konon facebuker mengalami penyusutan hinga 250.000 orang dari semua member fb yg jumlahnya 460 jeti itu.
LEBIH LEBIH sekarang ada muslim facebuk itu sebagai jawaban....
si mark zungkirbuncit itu semakin kelimpungan...
karena member mfb dalam 2 minggu saja sudah lebih dari 300.000 padahal dulu fb hanya beranggotakan 3000 dalam 4minggu.
karena merasa mfb berbahaya, dia melakukan cara yg gak sportif dan memalukan..
dia menyerang (nge-hack mfb) hingga kita jadi saksi MFB LEMOT dan fitur fiturnya kadang kadang hilang, kadang kadang blank... bukti lain nya Yahoo juga ikut ikutan mendukung mark fb - yahoo sengaja ngebikin sulit pendaftar yg mau gabung ke mfb,
BAHKAN LICIKNYA SI YAHUDSSSSS ITU KELEWATAN hingga dia memblokir semua email masuk dari mfb ke yahoo... walhasil email konfirmasi dari mfb gak masuk dan account mfb pun gak bisa di konfirmasi....
NAH KABAR KABARI DARI ADMIN, serangan hacker itu sudah bisa ditahan dan dihentikan...
yah.... sepertinya semua pada tahu si yahud itu licik picik bin munafik. setelah gagal meruntuhkan situs mfb dengan persekongkolannya dengan yahoo... sekarang DIA MENEBAR FITNAH...
entah dari mana asalnya copi-paste fitnah itu begitu luas menyebar, bahkan ada yg kirim email dari malaysia menanyakan fitnah itu...
masih gak puas, si yahud itu buat mfb palsu yg bertajuk asli pakistan dengan embel embel JOIN.PK -- pk disini katanya pakistan, dia berteriak "muslim facebuk itu JOIN.PK yg gak laku, mfb double L itu punya USa........."
FITNAH itu lebih berbahaya. Kenapa gak Berprasangka Baik AJA?
A response from MFB team
Everyone knows MFB is created and owned by Young PAKISTANI MUSLIMS.
However Millat was accused by a misguided (or as some Millat members called him “traitor”) blogger of being not been owned by Muslims but been a “conspiracy by American Jews”. Funny thing is the man is using the Zionist owned FB and telling others NOT to use MFB ….. can you see the hypocrisy????.
And guess why …………. because the “genius” discovered that Millat had some servers in the USA (which by the way are NOT AVAILABLE at those terms ANYWHERE else in the world).
Now this is really unbelievable that just because of that it was rumoured that MFB was made by Americans or Jews ….. Yes ….. Me too was amazed to hear the “basis” …… How can a person’s intelligence go so low?
Just like any country or for that matter a muslim country buy the weapons or technology from USA or any country for its defence which than become its property, Millat got the things it needed from all over the world. What is wrong with that when they have all the SECURITY IN PLACE ?
Buying or hiring something from any country doesn’t means it will not be used for the defence of the buyer.
InshAllah one day Millat will develop our own SUPERCOMPUTERS but till than we need to avail the technology.
Such infrastructure is NOT available elsewhere on such terms.
It is TOTALLY SECURE and NOT under the control of the US Govt.
Even the Prophet (Saww) used to set free the prisoners who would teach Muslims
Seeking of knowledge and thereby technology is obligatory for all Muslims
All and any resources should and can be used to achieve the goals through right means
It seems the person who started the rumour was either on a mission by those wanting the MFB to stop or didn’t knew much about how the IT industry works and what’s involved in creating a Muslim FB rival.
Let me ask the proponents of this fiasco …….. all these latest gadgets from IPods to Cars to Flat screen Tv’s etc ………. where are they made or their technology originated from? ……. The main principle is that nothing is good or bad in itself …. it’s the use that made it good or bad ……just like a Gun can be used for self-defence or to kill someone.
Zionists, after failing in all their other attacks have now retorted to dividing us by spreading the Rumours that MFB (God Forbid) is related to CIA or Jews…..
If it was so why would CIA and Jews be attacking us regularly????
Why would YAHOO block any email containing our website address? (Check yourself)
Why are there be Global appeals by Islamophobic Fascists to launch attacks on MFB?
The Zionists are helping each other and trying to make fool of some of our brotheren.
Attacks on MFB Proof:
We’ve been really hurt by this propoganda as unfortunately some of our Muslim brotheren from Indonesia got involved in it. May Allah give them Hidaya. Our arms are open for them. But I’d like to thank the Indonesian brotheren overall as standing behind their OWN Millat and refuting the FALSE PROPOGANDA.
We knew some Islamophobic Zionists can go this low but never expected our brotheren would be used in this way. It really hurts as we’ve been fighting for the Honour of the Prophet (SAWW) without even proper sleep and this is what we were accused of?
The global media have reported Millat Facebook and overall hailed it as a brave and unique step by MUSLIMS which poses a serious threat to FB ……..and is termed a REAL alternate ………….
Some of the major Media outlets to have covered Millat Facebook reporting that it is created by Pakistani Muslims to Rival Mark’s blasphemous FB are:
Al-Jazeera Network, Qatar
AFP (one of the world’s largest news agencies), France
ABNA (News Agency).
The Telegraph, UK
Daily Mail, UK
Malaysia Today
Daily Dawn, Pakistan
Hindustan Times
This is the time for all the decent people, specially Muslims to unite and fight off such subversion propoganda tactics. Remember, United we WILL WIN (InshAllah). let’s show the world ………. Yes, We CAN.
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